---- ?? ----
i started my homepage journey way back on neopets pet pages and guild/shop decorations, from there to the very defunct expages, and then geocities. from geocities i got captured by livejournal via all the 2000s fanfiction goddesses, and i was around on tumblr pre-2010, and then.... i was ready to just scrub 'the internet lol' from my hobbies :( but neocities has given me hope that the internet can be fun and personal again!
---- CAFE ----
nightcafe is my little internet cafe, get a drink and take a look around. you'll find old loveletters to internet nostalgia, hints of an unhinged manifesto against the present state of the internet, and a whole website full of whatever i feel like doing.
it's found a purpose as a hub for my old internet finds and thoughts. it's a shrine to my personal nostalgia. i hope to collect info on the early 2000s personal wesbite culture that meant so much to me back then, and offer links out to personal sites that are keeping that homemade handmade spirit alive.
all images are plundered from the ruins of geocities and the code is a joint effort of 69 learn html/css sites and people answering questions on StackOverflow in 2015, so in kind: everything here is free to use or steal if you want it because its not mine either. resources are linked at the end of this page
fuck big social media. i believe the internet should be an equal field; a tool for empowering people who might never otherwise be heard and humbling the mainstream. use it as a playground, a canvas, a notebook, however you collect your thoughts and create your art, thats where the internet shines. it's a vessel for individuals to create and express themselves freely, and reveal only as much of themselves as they feel comfortable with.
current social media hinges on celebrity, wealth, and people who game the algorithms. they have worthless moderation that only protects their profits to the detriment of... idk, the entire of humanity?, and there is no breathing space for normal users. it's implied you need to keep all your niche interests and hobbies, personal life and work all together, all accessible and all public, and if you win: all monetised. and then there's the culture and people and data-mining and and and hell is real and it's written in sans-serif by this bastard.
it's all noise and pursuit of capital, too little room for expression and fun or the freedom to just play around with stuff.... just stuff. layouts graphics images no word limits no spellcheck just a blank page to smash everything in your brain onto. you can create anything on the internet, it's really good shit.
attention and clicks are the oxygen of the internet, and it's time to cut the oxygen to the people who use us and start creating for ourselves. fuck fb, fuck insta, fuck the birdsite, fuck it all. make your own shit. you have the power.
"footage of you on the internet" colourised, march 2025
you don't have to use neocities to do so, it's just a comfy place to start playing with html and css and social aspect is there but optional (also: free/no ads). you can go balls to the wall and make your own website, own server, own tech shit, own anything, anywhere anytime. you can use other platforms that offer hosting for words/images, theres a whole world of options. the full and wild internet didn't die in the 2010s, they just walked us out the room and told us don't go back in, it's dead. spoiler:
tl;dr: my dream is that we can stop being ephemeral junk content generators for someone else and become fucking webmasters again.
☏ any pronouns
☏ tea > coffee
☏ lgbtq+ fuck capitalism nya
☏ playing the best of the 80s 90s and today
☏ special: -69% def/+420 evasion
☏ inspiration to live: james pokemon
you are lavenderblush #FFF0F5
Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.
Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
all images to my knowledge, unless otherwise specified, are from the Geocities ruins and i own nothing. i'm a wanted criminal across eleven years from 1995 to 2006. if my theft crime cold cases are reopened hmu and i will discard your image in a river and go on the run again. bad boys for life. motorbike.gif
GifCities - gif search engine for geocities sites
Oocities - geocities archive project
glitter-graphics - glittery graphics
mess letters - text... things. lots of things